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Have you noticed how milk from the grocery store makes you and your kids feel? Mucousy, skin irritations, digestive complaints, even behavioral problems... When we eat things that we can't properly digest, our bodies let us know by manifesting all those symptoms. Good health--including mental health--starts in the gut.


Do you want milk that nourishes your family rather than causing problems?


Raw grass-fed milk is so much better than the stuff you buy at the stores! It contains beneficial bacteria and enzymes (including lactase) that help you digest it easily. The proteins haven't been denatured by high heat treatment. Grass fed milk is packed with nutrients because the cows are eating what they were meant to eat: grass.


And you can do so much with it. You can drink it plain, or make chocolate milk or maple milk, you can make puddings, yogurt, kefir, smoothies, clabbered milk. You can even make cheese with our milk because it hasn't been ruined by high heat processing like most milk at the store.


If you are new to buying milk on the farm, it's easy!


1. Purchase the amount of milk that you want (half gallon, gallon, or 2 gallons).


​2. Contact us so we can agree on a good time for you to come by the farm to get your milk.


​3. Come at your appointed time. We will provide jars and lids, and you should bring a chilled cooler to keep your milk cold on the way home.


​4. If you love the milk and want to keep getting milk from us each week, we will set up a weekly pick-up day for you, and you will pay with cash or check week by week. Bring back your clean jars and lids each week.


​5. Feel good because you are making a healthy choice that will have far reaching effects in you and your family's life!


We take pride in producing our milk in a clean facility. We test it twice a month to ensure that our sanitation practices are working.


Cost per gallon break down at a glance:

-the half gallon per week option costs $14 per gallon

-the gallon per week option costs $12 per gallon

-the 2 gallons per week option costs $11.00 per gallon


Grass Fed Raw Milk

SKU: 364215375135191
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