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Between the Trees Farm

Isn't there ANYTHING my family can eat that won't make us sick??


I know so many people who struggle with health problems like...


  • irritable bowel

  • eczema

  • auto-immune disease

  • diabetes

  • and the list goes on...


They are sick of taking meds for the problem. They want to fix the problem at the root, and they wonder if eating better food will help.


Let me assure you, it helps. Good health starts in the gut. 


Hi, I'm Hilary. Like most people, I grew up eating junk food. By the time I was in my 30's and I'd had two kids, my body was deteriorating, fast.


Even worse, both of my kids had health and behavior issues. I started cutting things out of our diet, and I went through this stage where it seemed like there wasn't anything we could eat without it making us sick.


  • bread

  • store bought meat

  • processed dairy

  • kid's snacks



It's like everything in the grocery store is inflammatory.


At the same time, I was starting to raise animals for milk and meat. I couldn't believe what a difference quality and freshness of feed made to my animals' health. Diet made all the difference between difficult pregnancies and frequent medical problems, to vibrant health in my livestock.


It was clear that the saying was true for my animals, "you are what you eat." I wondered, if I am eating food from vibrant, well-nourished animals, how will that affect my health compared to eating cheap food from factory animals that are fed whatever is cheapest? 


Not all food is created equal. I can't eat grocery store meat and milk any more, stuff that comes from animals raised in confinement and fed garbage.  I can feel the difference.


Years later I am happy to say that YES, there is food that my family can eat. I grow it here on my farm. We eat it and we love it.


Click here to buy our grass-fed raw milk  and pasture raised pork. See what a difference it makes for your family!

Meet Our Livestock

Lynch Lineback Cattle 

Our Pigs

Our cows are a breed that hasn't changed during the past several decades, while industrial dairy cows have morphed into hyper-specialized milk producing machines.


Back in the 1960's there was a man in Ontario, Robert Lynch, whose family had kept cattle for generations. They weren't a designated breed at the time, they were just the landrace cows that everyone had kept since the first settlers brought them. At that time, artificial insemination became widely available and his neighbors began to "upgrade" their cows into larger, heavier producing holsteins. Mr. Lynch liked his cows and he resisted upgrading them. For 50 years he kept a closed herd, preserving those genetics.


As he got older, he could no longer care for them, so he passed his herd on to a younger generation of farmers. There is now a group of breeders dedicated to keeping these special cows viable.


We are lucky to have the first herd of Lynch Linebacks in the United States. We find the cows to be gentle and easy to work with. Hilary really appreciates how simple it is to contain them and the ease of care for their udders and feet. They are a dual purpose breed. They don't make as much milk as modern dairy cows, but they also don't require the "high octane" diet of modern dairy cows. Unlike some heritage breeds that we have tried, all of our Lynch Linebacks have beautiful, well formed udders.





Our farm is home to a cross of two fantastic pig breeds: the Hungarian Mangalitsa and the Idaho Pasture Pig. 


At one time, we considered raising pure Mangalitsas, but to our surprise, the meat was too fatty EVEN FOR US. And there's nothing that we love more than good pork fat. But we do like a little more fat than standard modern pigs have, and we really like the weather hardiness of curly coated sheep-pigs (the nickname of Mangalitsas).


We fell in love with our first Idaho Pasture Pigs (IPP's). They are great grazers, but best of all, IPP's are known for their friendly personality.


Currently we raise pigs that are 1/4 to 1/8 mangalitsa, the rest IPP. We find that the crosses carry forward the traits that we like from both breeds: excellent grazing ability, friendly, higher fat content, and weather hardy. 


Download my free e-book!

Cooking Your Way Through a Half Hog: Tips and Unique Recipes

Click here to download

Our Pigs

Have questions?How can I help you?


120 Birchwood Dr

Lowell, Vermont 05847

Thanks for visiting!

Get my free e-book, Cooking Your Way Through a Half Hog: Tips and Unique Recipes

Click here to download your recipe book!



If GPS tells you to take Mink Farm Rd, Cheney Rd, or Kempton Hill Rd, DON'T do it.

From the north, take VT Rt 58 to Mines Rd to Birchwood Dr. 

From the south, take North Rd in Eden Mills, which becomes Mines Rd in Lowell. Birchwood Dr is on Mines Rd.

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